Strategies To Reduce Initial Cost Of Doing Business

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Strategies To Reduce Initial Cost Of Doing Business

2021-05-24 08:45:20

Every new business has a compulsive desire to have a check on the cost of doing business at the commencement of operations. Poor planning at this front could ruin a billion-dollar idea at the infancy stage of growth.

Work From Home

Digital technology has indeed lessened the requirement for a physical office to a larger extent. Allowing the resources to work from home could not only save the cost of operations but also save the traveling time and cost for the employees as well. A carefully organized plan could increase the productivity of employees as well. If for some operations physical presence is necessary you can take a space from the booming co-working space of your preferred choice to reduce the time and cost of traveling to an office. 


Non-core business operations should be outsourced than hiring a permanent employee on a fixed monthly salary. This would also result in hiring more professional and experienced resources at a lesser cost. The concept of a virtual assistant is common worldwide, nowadays. 


There has been a range of channels (skype, zoom, google meet, Microsoft team, etc.) that offer an outstanding, secure, and efficient virtual conference. It not only saves cost but saves time for extended traveling on busy roads. Moreover, it is the only option now for global meetings as a number of countries have imposed on air travel.


The branding got a more critical space for business than ever. The traditional channels of branding and marketing would be exorbitant to invest the scared capital for a startup, therefore, prefer social media channels to make a focused impact to build your brand on fact pace.

You can reduce the initial cash investment for equipment by buying the used equipment. If buying second-hand could impair the quality of product/service, you can opt for getting lease finance from a leasing company.


Equity investors are a preferred option than a fixed commitment to a lending institute. you can also agree with your star performer for an initial low pay with a performance-based incentive or offering an employees’ stock option scheme (EPOS).


The founders have to limit the lifestyle and corporate show-off to make sure you are not bleeding the scare resources from all pores. Most of the executives are in a deception that showing yourself a millionaire from day one is a key to success, while ultimately, the sustained business will make you a better star of the business world. 

I hope all or a preferred set of above strategies will work for your business. For any comments, you can inbox me with your suggestions/queries.